


The Impact of Different Types of Medical Experiences on the Relationship between Healthcare Providers and Patients




翁瑞宏(Rhay-Hung Weng);林永宗(Yung-Tsung Lin);黃金安(Jin-An Huang);黃靖媛(Ching-Yuan Huang);林佩蓉(Pei-Jung Lin)


服務體驗 ; 醫病關係 ; 關係品質 ; 策略體驗模組 ; service experience ; healthcare provider-patient relationship ; relationship quality ; strategic experiential modules




5卷1期(2012 / 02 / 01)


43 - 78






The study adopted the Strategic Experiential Modules to explore the impact of different experiences on the relationship between healthcare providers and patients in the outpatient services context. We applied a cross-sectional design and adopted questionnaire survey approach to measure different types of medical experiences, patient-physician relationship quality, and patient-hospital relationship quality. This study aimed at the outpatients of a Regional Teaching Hospital in South Taiwan. During the process of data collection, 500 questionnaires were valid and the response rate was 66.49%. After testing the reliability and validity of research data, we used descriptive analysis, correlation analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and multiple regression analysis to do further analysis. Results showed that perceptions of feel and relate experience had significantly positive influence on patient-physician relationship quality, and perception of feel experience had the biggest influence. Perception of feel, relate experience and the importance of sense experience also had significantly positive influence on patient-hospital relationship, moreover, perception of relate experience had the biggest influence. Perceptions of feel experience and relate experiences both are the ”common influence factors” that affect the patient-healthcare provider relationship quality. We suggest that hospital administrators could combine feel experience and relate experience while setting up strategies to create better relationship with patients.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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