


A Moderated Mediation Model for Understanding the Relationship between Perceived Training Effectiveness and Leave Intention: A Psychological Contract Perspective




施智婷(Chih-Ting Shih);趙銘崇(Minston Chao);楊孟哲(Meng-Zhe Yang)


心理契約滿足 ; 知覺教育訓練成效 ; 調節式中介模式 ; 職涯抱負 ; 離職傾向 ; psychological contract fulfillment ; perceived training effectiveness ; moderated mediation analysis ; career aspiration ; leave intention




14卷1期(2021 / 02 / 01)


1 - 42




過去雖有研究探討教育訓練與員工離職傾向的關係,但缺乏從員工的心理機制與條件來討論提高企業訓練的留才效益。本研究從員工的視角檢驗知覺教育訓練成效與離職傾向的心理機制,並進一步確認此關聯在職業抱負明確的員工是否有較明顯的表現,而瞭解有效益的教育訓練活動有助於留才的適用對象。本研究以三時點蒐集兩個樣本-不同產業以及不同職涯階段的員工進行假設的驗證。結果顯示,不論是人壽保險的新進業務員(N = 75)或是進入醫療現場多年的護理人員(N = 232),知覺教育訓練成效透過心理契約滿足影響離職傾向的關係均呈現相當穩定的一致性;此外,相較於低職業抱負的員工,高職業抱負的員工對知覺教育訓練成效會產生更高的心理契約滿足,且更能降低他們的離職傾向,顯示組織提供具效能的教育訓練活動對於職業抱負明確的員工具有留才的效益。


Prior research has left behind why training effectiveness can facilitate talent retention and who will stay. This study examines the psychological mechanism and individual trait boundary between the relationship between training effectiveness and leave intention from the trainee perspective and further verifies whether this association is salient for employees with career aspiration. We conduct a three-wave study to test hypotheses with two samples from employees in different career stages and different industries. By analyzing the newcomers of life insurance (N = 75) and the senior registered nursing staff (N = 232), the results show a replicable mediating effect of psychological contract fulfillment linking the relationship of perceived training effectiveness and leave intention. In addition, employees high in career aspiration response to perceived training effectiveness with higher psychological contract fulfillment, which can lower their leave intention. Two samples firmly validate our research hypotheses. Theoretical and practices implications are discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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