


The Research of Implementing Characteristic Education Curriculum to Young Children's Moral Behavioral Performance:Take a Public Kindergarten in Taichung City as an Example




駱明潔(Ming-Jae Lo);葉祥玲(Hsiang-Ling Yeh)


品德教育 ; 品德教育課程 ; 準實驗研究 ; moral education ; moral education curriculum ; quasi-experimental research




23期(2012 / 08 / 01)


153 - 175+151






This study investigated the effects of characteristic education curriculum intervention on young children's moral behavioral performance. The main research instruments were a self-developed ”Scale of Young Children's Characteristic Behaviors” and ”The characteristic-cored courses, includes ”responsible”, ”honest”, ”courageous”, and ”concerned”. The subjects were young children aged between 4-5 years old, selected via purposive sampling from two classes in public kindergarten in Taichung City. The quasi-experimental method was adopted, and the valid sample comprised of 60 young children. The survey results were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test, and analysis of covariance. The results are below: In the pretest ”characteristic behaviors”, the experimental and the control groups scored highest in the dimension of ”courageous”, followed by ”honest”, ”responsible”, and ”concerned”. Before the experiment, the scores of the young children in experimental and control groups in the subscale of ”responsible”, ”courageous”, ”concerned”, and overall scale of young children's characteristic behaviors didn't show a sufficient difference, but the average scores of the control group in the aspect of ”honest” were more significant better than the experimental group. After 8 weeks of the characteristic education intervention, young children in the experimental group scored significantly higher than those in the control group in all dimensions or overall scale of characteristic behaviors. The post test scores in ”responsible”, ”honest”, ”courageous”, ”concerned”, and overall scale of the experimental group after they took the 8-week moral education curriculum were better than the former ones, and they showed a sufficient difference. The study found that characteristic education on the young children's responsible, honest, courageous, and concerned of moral behavioral performance immediately effective. The finding suggests the government should implement the characteristic education on preschool children.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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