


Establishment of the Goals and Strategies of Metropolitan Transit-oriented Development in Taipei




李家儂(Chia-Nung Li);賴宗裕(Tsung-Yu Lai)


大眾運輸導向發展 ; 分析階層程序法 ; 目標體系 ; transit-oriented development TOD ; analytic hierarchy process ; goals system




48期(2007 / 06 / 01)


19 - 42




美國實施大眾運輸導向發展(transit-oriented development, TOD)的目的,爲了抑制都市不合理且無效率的擴張,並促進土地發展有效利用及環境資源保護,重構都市空間型態及提供適居性的生活環境,爲此目的運用許多策略,然而這些策略與方法如何得知是否達到應用之目的或是否具有成效?國內、外尚缺乏一套可供檢視TOD執行成效之目標體系,使得TOD概念多淪爲政策口語。緣此,本文之目的旨在探討如何建立適用於臺北都會區發展之目標體系,首先依據TOD理念與分析階層程序法(AHP)建構以永續發展爲最終目標的層級結構,共3個層級、21項目標及相對權重,並依其構建策略組合,內含20個策略,以供政府相關單位擬定土地利用政策及都市發展策略之參考,並可確保TOD政策目標的落實。


To restrain urban sprawl, improve the efficiency of land use, and protect environmental resources, transit-oriented development (TOD) has been widely implemented in the United States since the early 90s. Many strategies have been gradually developed to achieve these goals. In existing literature, however, an applicable method to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of these strategies doesn't exist. To address the gap, this paper aims at establishing an applicable TOD's evaluation system, which is based on analytic hierarchy progresses (AHP). This system consists of three hierarchies, twenty-one goals and associated weights. To provide workable tools for achieving TOD goals, an evaluation model and implementation tools are suggested. This system can provide a guideline for authorities concerned with managing urban development and land use policies.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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