


What does the flourishing teacher look like? The Relationships between Flourishing, Perceived Work Stress, Spiritual Well-being and Mental Health




余民寧(Min-Ning Yu);陳柏霖(Po-Lin Chen);陳玉樺(Yu-Hua Chen)


主觀幸福感 ; 知覺工作壓力 ; 圓滿幸福 ; 巔峰型教師 ; 靈性幸福感 ; Flourishing ; Perceived work stress ; Spiritual well-being ; Subjective well-being ; The flourishing teachers




50卷1期(2018 / 09 / 01)


1 - 30






Traditionally, the concept of health was viewed as not sick or no-illness and the mental health was conceptualized as absence of mental illness. The main purpose of this study was to explore teachers' mental health. The purpose of this current study is to explore the teachers with the type of flourishing mental health. The relationships between flourishing, perceived work stress, spiritual well-being and mental health. This is a cross-sectional study, used the data randomly sampled from the elementary to senior-high-school teachers of whole Taiwan. A total random sample of 2,400 teachers were collected and analyzed. They were asked to fill up four scales anonymously: Subjective Well-Being-short form (SWB-SF), Spiritual Well-Being Scale (SPIRTWBS), Flourishing Scale (FS), and Taiwan Depression Scale (TDS). Data analysis included the t-test, CFA, and SEM. Results show that 1) Most teachers did not exhibit mental illness symptoms, however, 9.8% of the teachers were classified into the languishing mental health status; 2) There was 2.3% of teachers' (54) in a floundering state, 0.2% of teachers' (5) in a hovering state, 0.1% of teachers' (1) in a struggling state, 13.2% of teachers' (316) in sentimental state, 10% of teachers' (240) in popular state, 2.1% of teachers' (50) in a striving state, 9.8% of teachers' (236) in languishing state, 40.8% of teachers' (978) in a contented state, 21.7% of teachers' (520) in flourishing state; 3) The flourishing teachers have significantly higher scores on the whole spiritual well-being, flourishing, lower work stress than those of the languishing teachers; 4) "Spiritual well-being" play moderating effect for "flourishing" to "depression". 5) "Subjective well-being" play mediation role for "perceived work stress" to "depression". On the whole, the flourishing teachers have better mental health status and traits than other types of teachers. Finally, according to findings of this research, the researcher proposed the specific directions for future researches and restrictions.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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