


Perceived Teacher Feedbacks, Personal Achievement Goals, and Academic Self-efficacy on Boredom: The Mediation Effect and Conditional Indirect Effect




彭淑玲(Shu-Ling Peng)


知覺教師回饋 ; 個人成就目標 ; 條件間接化效果 ; 無聊 ; 學業自我效能 ; Academic self-efficacy ; Boredom ; Conditional indirect effect ; Personal achievement goals ; Perceived teacher feedbacks




51卷1期(2019 / 09 / 01)


83 - 108




本研究依據探討學業情緒的控制-價值理論,說明情境(知覺教師回饋)與個人因素(個人成就目標、學業自我效能)如何共同對無聊產生影響。據此,本研究目的為:(1)建構「知覺教師回饋、個人成就目標與無聊之中介模式」,以瞭解個體知覺教師給予的回饋如何形塑其持有的成就目標、進而影響無聊。(2)考驗學業自我效能在上述中介模式上的調節效果。為完成上述目的,本研究以1105位七年級學生進行施測,並以數學科為主,蒐集資料以結構方程模式(structural equational modeling, SEM)進行中介效果與條件化間接效果分析。研究結果發現:(1)「自我參照回饋→趨向精熟目標→無聊」與「常模參照回饋→逃避表現目標→無聊」兩個中介模式受到觀察資料支持,可解釋當學生知覺不同教師回饋類型時,會形塑不同個人成就目標以對無聊產生間接效果。(2)學業自我效能會調節「自我參照回饋→趨向精熟目標→無聊」之負向間接效果:當學生持有的學業自我效能程度逐漸提升時,自我參照回饋透過趨向精熟目標對無聊的抑制效果會隨之增強。本研究依據研究結果提出建議,以作為國中教學輔導與未來研究之參考。


The study, grounded on the control-value theory of academic emotion, examined how the contextual factors (i.e., the perceived teacher feedbacks) and personal (i.e., the personal achievement goals and academic self-efficacy) factor have impact on boredom. Accordingly, the objectives of the present study are twofold: firstly, to construct four mediation models for investigating the relationship among the perceived teacher feedbacks, personal achievement goals, and boredom (i.e., "the perceived self-reference feedbacks → mastery-approach goal → boredom", "the perceived self-reference feedbacks → mastery-avoidance goal → boredom", "the perceived normative-reference feedbacks → performance-approach goal → boredom", and "the perceived normative-reference feedbacks → performance-avoidance goal → boredom"); secondly, to test whether the above mediation relations can be moderated by the academic self-efficacy. Methodologically, a math survey was conducted with 1105 participants of 7th grade students in Taiwan, and the researcher analyzed the collected data using the technique of structural equation modeling (SEM) to test both the mediation effect and conditional indirect effect. The results showed that the two mediation models of "the perceived self-reference feedback → mastery-approach goal → boredom" and "the perceived normative-reference feedback → performance-avoidance goal → boredom" were supported by the observed data, which adequately captures the relationship among the perceived teacher feedbacks, personal achievement goals, and boredom. Specifically, mastery-approach goal fully mediates the prediction of the perceived self-reference feedback on boredom, and performance-avoidance goal fully mediates the prediction of the perceived normative-reference feedback on boredom. Also, it was found that the academic self-efficacy well moderates the negative indirect effect of "the perceived self-reference feedback → mastery-approach goal → boredom." In other words, when the level of individual’s academic self-efficacy is gradually increasing, the inhibition effect that the perceived self-reference feedbacks with individuals' adoption of mastery-approach goals pose on boredom increases. Based on the findings, relevant recommendations were proposed for further research, teaching practices, and junior high school counseling.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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