The purpose of this study was to investigate undergraduates' perception of information literacy, and their performance during the process. The scope of the study was focused on library literacy and internet literacy. Introduction to Information Literacy, a first year course was the research context and the Big6 model was used as the inquiry learning framework. The study lasted a semester, and data was gathered through participatory observation, interviews, survey, tests and document analysis. The results showed that undergraduates' perception of information literacy was different through inquiry learning. For information locating, students found that there were various channels to access appropriate information. However, they were still not yet familiar with using electronic database. For information use, undergraduates could not perform well on summarizing information, but they knew how to cite information correctly. Finally, eight groups could present their research findings with proper media selections and in their own words. However, their written reports still needed improvement in the aspects of inductive logic, conclusion, and spelling.
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