


Supervisor Perceived Subordinate's Loyalty to Supervisor in Chinese Business Organizations




姜定宇(Ding-Yu Jiang)


員工歸類模式 ; 效忠主管 ; 華人組織行爲 ; 歸納研究取徑 ; Chinese organizational behavior ; employee categorization model ; inductive approach ; loyalty to supervisor




51卷1期(2009 / 03 / 01)


101 - 119






Recent studies have investigated the loyalty to supervisor phenomena from subordinates' perspectives and have several important findings. However, the loyalty to supervisor construct has different meanings for supervisors and subordinates because supervisors and subordinates have clearly unequal power bases and resources in Chinese business organizations. Thus, the purpose of this study is to explore the construct and the content of supervisors' perceptions of subordinates' loyalty to supervisors and to develop a measurement instrument for this construct through two separate studies. In study 1, 357 statements were collected from 61 supervisors. Through an inductive approach, nine main categories of how supervisors perceive subordinates' loyalty to supervisor were found in this study. In study 2, based on findings from study 1, 51 measurement items were developed. After confirmatory categorization process, 9 items were excluded. Then, through survey process, three different samples were collected, including Taiwanese and Chinese organizations. 5 factors and 20 measurement items were developed and validated by exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis. These five factors are: ”adhering to hierarchy,” ”modesty to comments,” ”taking care of personal affaires,” ”fulfilling job duties,” and ”assisting in managerial activities. Internal consistency coefficient for this measurement was .95 Criteria related analyses showed that supervisor perceived subordinate's loyalty to supervisor was positively associated with supervisors' trust in subordinates and supervisors' rating of subordinates' job performance. These result findings indicated that the supervisor perceive subordinates' loyalty to supervisor measurement had appropriate reliability and validity. This study further explains the contribution and implication of the findings and indicates future directions.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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