


Paternalistic Leadership and Employee Effectiveness: A Multiple-Level-of-Analysis Perspective




鄭伯壎(Bor-Shiuan Cheng);林姿葶(Tzu-Ting Lin);鄭弘岳(Hung-Yueh Cheng);周麗芳(Li-Fang Chou);任金剛(Chin-Kang Jen);樊景立(Jiing-Lih Farh)


多層次分析 ; 家長式領導 ; 個人層次 ; 組織層次 ; 部屬效能 ; employee effectiveness ; iIndividual level ; multiple-level approaches ; organizational level ; Paternalistic Leadership




52卷1期(2010 / 03 / 01)


1 - 23




隨著家長式領導概念的提出、三元模式的建立及測量工具的發展,研究者逐漸釐清家長式領導的內涵及其與部屬效能間的關係。可是,在檢視家長式領導三元模式之相關研究與結果之後,仍可發現有幾個問題尚待解決,其中,首先需要釐清的便是家長式領導的構念層次與不同層次之間的影響效果。因此,本研究將在過去的基礎之上,持續探討家長式領導在個人層次與組織層次對部屬效能的影響效果,以及兩個層次間的互動效果。本研究以華人中小企業之領導人與部屬之對偶作為研究對象,採取問卷調查的方式進行資料的蒐集,回收資料包含70家企業的382份有效問卷。研究結果除了再度驗證個人層次家長式領導的影響效果外,也呈現團體層次之平均家長式領導對部屬效能的影響,並彰顯平均德行領導的重要性,以及平均家長式領導對對偶家長式領導效果的調節影響效果,而證實家長式領導並非局限於單純的個人層次,或是單純的群體層次,而是屬於「群體中的個人層次」(individual within the group)。此結果頗符合華人社會的相依性概念:對組織成員而言,領導者對其效果的影響,除了要看個別對待的對偶領導行為之外,亦會受到領導者對所有人之領導行為的調節影響,而展現「個人」、「群體」及「領導者」間的集體相依關係。最後,就研究結果進行討論,並提出未來的研究方向。


Along with the constructs and measurement of triad models of Chinese Paternalistic Leadership (PL), the PL and its effectiveness within Chinese organizations have been gradually clarified by a series of empirical studies. But some existed issues still need to be refined further. The one of most important is the multiple levels of analysis of PL: The group difference approach which considers the leader would treat all employees equally and the individual difference approach which considers the leader would treat employees differently. Therefore, based on past research, this study continues to explore the effects of PL on the employee effectiveness both operating at individual or dyadic level (or micro-level), organizational level (or macro-level), and the interaction effect. The data is formed of participants of 70 businesses with 382 employees, who have close job-interaction with CEO, and collected by survey. The results proved again the influences of PL at individual level and showed the influences of PL at group level which emphasized the importance of Moral Leadership. Besides, the result showed the moderator influence of average PL on the relationship between the individual PL and employee effectiveness which then verified PL was not pure individual level or group level but the individual within the group level. The consequences were conformed to the construct of interdependence in Chinese society. The effect of leadership on employees is not only from the individual leadership but also from the moderated effect of average leadership, which highlights the interdependent relationship among individual, group, and leader. Finally, contributions and implications were discussed, and the suggestions for future studies were also provided.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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