


Abusive Supervision: Retrospect and Prospect




胡昌亞(Chang-Ya Hu);鄭瑩妮(Ying-Ni Cheng)


不當督導 ; 華人組織行為 ; 組織正義 ; 職場行為 ; abusive supervision ; Chinese organizational behavior ; organizational justice ; work behavior




56卷2期(2014 / 06 / 01)


191 - 214




自Tepper於2000年發表不當督導(abusive supervision)的主題文章起,此構念已在負向領導的研究領域中蓬勃發展。本文針對西方與華人不當督導之研究,進行回顧與前瞻。我們首先回顧不當督導之定義、內涵、測量、與構念效度證據,以瞭解不當督導之邏輯意義網絡(nomological network)。接著,我們透過比較西方與華人情境脈絡下不當督導研究結果之異同,試圖瞭解不當督導在華人文化脈絡中可能意涵。最後,我們將根據回顧之結果,指出不當督導未來研究方向及在華人研究上之意涵,為本文提出結論。


Since Tepper’s (2000) pioneering work on abusive supervision, this topic has become prevalent in the research domain of negative leader behavior. In this review article, we aim to provide an integrated model of abusive supervision for future research. We first discuss the nomological network of abusive supervision by introducing its definition, content, measurement, and construct validity evidence. We then discuss the possible meaning of abusive supervision under Chinese culture context by comparing abusive supervision studies conducted in the Western context with the studies conducted in the Chinese context. Finally, we propose recommendations for future study, especially those in the context of Chinese organizations.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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