


Innovating Under Disadvantages: Bricolage Behaviors in Van Gogh Art Curation




蕭瑞麟(Ruey-Lin Hsiao);歐素華(Su-Hua Ou);陳蕙芬(Hui-Fen Chen)


隨創 ; 劣勢創新 ; 資源建構 ; 辨識時機 ; 轉換角色 ; 藝術策展 ; bricolage ; innovating under disadvantages ; resource construction ; opportunity identification ; role transformation ; art curation




22卷2期(2014 / 06 / 01)


323 - 367






The theory of bricolage analyses how entrepreneurs may improvise solutions to resolve constraints with scare resources. The essence of bricolage is to translate constraints into sources of innovation so as to develop new products, new services or new solutions. Previous studies have examined how entrepreneurs may innovate by using resources at hand, making-do with resources, and recombining resources to cope with constraints. However, these studies neglect that effective bricolage may be achieved not only through recombination of resources but also through how low-power actors may construct resources socially in response to constraints. Especially, this study analyses how entrepreneurs may identify opportunities and transform its role in order to reconstruct a resource's value. This research investigates the curation process of an exhibition project, called ‘The Flaming Soul: The Exhibition of van Gogh', and examines how the curation team demonstrates bricolage behavior to turn constraints into creative solutions. Theoretically, this article interprets bricolage by showing how an entrepreneur acts according to circumstances, how a low-power actor interacts with high-power actors, and how high-power actors' resources may be leveraged. In practice, our findings suggest that entrepreneurs may exercise bricolage and become more resilient in the face of constraints through identifying windows of opportunities and role transformation to leverage resources. Bricolage could assist entrepreneurs and turn constraints into creative vantage, thereby innovating under disadvantages.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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