


A Cross-Level Research of Personality Trait on Organizational Citizenship Behaviors through Organizational Commitment for Public Sector: Transformational Leadership as Moderating Variable




廖明坤(Joseph Liao);溫福星(Fur-Hsing Wen);唐美芝(Mei-Chih Tang)


人格特質 ; 組織承諾 ; 組織公民行為 ; 轉換型領導風格 ; 階層線性模式 ; personality trait ; organizational commitment ; organizational citizenship behavior ; transformational leadership ; hierarchical linear model




22卷3期(2014 / 09 / 01)


429 - 468






Previous research on organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) has focused on the employees of private organizations. We argue that OCB is also important in the public sector. In this study, we surveyed 622 public servants from 43 national taxation offices and applied hierarchical linear modeling to investigate the interrelationships among public servants' personality traits, organizational commitment and OCB. We also explored the moderating effect of a transformational leadership style on organizational commitment. The results showed positive relationships among internal locus of control, organizational commitment, and OCB. Further, we found that a transformational leadership style strengthens the positive relationships between the civil servants' personality traits and their organizational commitment levels. Based on these results, we recommend that the public sector hire candidates who have a high internal locus of control and promote those leaders within their organizations who exhibit a transformational leadership style. We predict this will improve levels of subordinate organizational commitment and reinforce organizational citizenship behavior.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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