


A Study of Motivation and Innovation Performance in Five-Star Hotels - Knowledge Sharing as a Mediator




許順旺(Shun-Wang Hsu);嚴雯聖(Wen-Shen Yen);鄭姍姍(Shan-Shan Cheng);林鈺琪(Yu-Chi Lin)


激勵 ; 知識分享 ; 創新績效 ; 五星級旅館 ; Motivation ; Knowledge sharing ; Innovation performance ; Five-star hotels




112期(2017 / 03 / 01)


1 - 28






The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of motivation on innovation performance among five-star hotel employees in Taiwan. Additionally, the mediating role of knowledge sharing on the link between motivation and innovation performance is tested. Purposive sampling was adopted to recruit study participants. A total of 525 questionnaires were distributed to the employees who work in five-star hotels more than six months and 401 were completed and considered valid for analysis. The results indicated that organizations' nonfinancial motivation directly predicted employees' knowledge sharing. Additionally, both employees' knowledge sharing willingness and motivation were found positively impacted their innovation performance. Knowledge sharing, in addition, has no mediation effect on the relationship between motivation and innovation performance. Further discussion and managerial implications of the findings along with directions for future studies are provided.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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