


Development of a Creative Tendency Scale for Gifted Students in Taiwan Elementary Schools




李偉清(Wei-Ching Lee)


創造傾向 ; 資優生 ; 驗證性因素分析 ; confirmatory factor analysis ; creative tendency ; gifted students




37卷1期(2012 / 03 / 01)


79 - 102






Purpose: This study constructs a reliable and valid creative tendency scale for gifted students in Taiwan elementary schools and compares whether groups invariance exists for the different backgrounds of gifted students in this scale. Methods: Based on the theories by Williams (1980, 1993) and referring to the Williams Creative Tendency Scale by Lin and Wang (1994), a designed scale, the Creative Tendency Scale for Gifted Students of Elementary Schools, was used to survey gifted students in Taiwan elementary schools. A total of 894 valid samples were collected by stratified random sampling and cluster sampling. The samples were divided into three sets by a random procedure. The first sample set was analyzed by item analysis and exploratory factor analysis to discover the best theoretical construction and most appropriate items. The second sample set was analyzed by confirmatory factor analysis using structure equation modeling to evaluate the goodness of fit between collected data and the proposed theoretical model in this study. The third sample set was tested by cross-validation. Finally, the different strictness levels in multi-groups were analyzed. Results: The results show factors with great structures and the presence of construction validities in this scale. The reliabilities of the data were also satisfactory. The collected data fitted to the theoretical model and this model stability passed the statistical tests from most loose to most tight replication strategies. Conclusions/ Implications: Based on the previous results, 3 conclusions were made, listed as follows: (1) The Creative Tendency Scale for Gifted Students of Elementary Schools has good reliability and validity and can be used to evaluate the creative tendency of gifted students in Taiwan elementary schools. (2) The Williams (1980, 1993) relational model of creative tendency is a stable, predictive, and valid model. (3) The Williams (1980, 1993) relational model of creative tendency between gifted and regular students of elementary schools is the same. In this study, measurement invariance is confirmed for gifted students with different backgrounds. The study has the following 5 recommendations: (1) This scale only applies to the analysis of creative tendency for gifted students and can not be used to assess cognitive aspects of creativity. (2) This study suggests amending and improving poor indicators of this scale to enhance the individual item reliability of observable variables of this scale. (3) Objects of this study can be extended to other stages of education or other types of gifted students, to assess whether a validity extension is still present in this measurement tool. (4) This study suggests conducting a multi-group analysis for other background variables of gifted students to understand whether measurement invariance exists in this scale. (5) The study suggests adopting a two-stage (pilot study and main study) random sampling of research procedures to view and verify whether this scale possesses appropriate reliability and validity.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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