


Antecedents and Leadership Behavioral Consequences of Trusting in Subordinates: The Moderating Role of Supervisors' Trust Propensity




陳嵩(Song Chen);林伶瑾(Lin-Chin Lin);楊素卿(Su-Qing Yang)


員工歸類模式 ; 信任傾向 ; 認知型信任 ; 情感型信任 ; 家長式領導 ; subordinate categorization model ; trust propensity ; cognition-based trust ; affect-based trust ; paternalistic leadership




18卷1期(2018 / 06 / 01)


85 - 127




在組織垂直人際信任上,瞭解上司信任部屬的前因及影響,是相當值得研究的議題。本研究主 要探討部屬值得信任特點與上司信任傾向對上司信任部屬的影響、上司信任部屬對上司威權(包括尚嚴及專權)與仁慈(包括工作及生活照顧)領導行為的影響,及上司信任傾向的調節影響。253組主管、部屬配對問卷資料分析結果顯示:(1)部屬的管理輔佐行為、與上司的私人關係、上司信任 傾向皆會正向影響上司的情感型信任,部屬的能力及謹守分際行為會正向影響上司的認知型信任;(2)上司的信任傾向會負向影響「部屬能力(及謹守分際行為)—上司認知型信任」的關聯;(3)上司對部屬的情感型信任會負向影響其專權領導行為、正向影響其工作照顧及生活照顧領導行為,但認知型信任則無任何顯著直接影響。最後,本研究依據實證結果分別提出學術意涵、管理意涵及後續研究建議。


In the interpersonal relationship of organizational hierarchy, it would be a valuable research subject to understand the antecedents of supervisors trusting subordinates and in turn influence on supervisors' leadership behavior. In this research, we derive the influences of subordinates' trustworthy characteristics and supervisors' trust propensity on supervisors' cognition-based and affect-based trust in their subordinates. Second, we explore the effects of supervisors' trust in subordinates on their leadership behaviors of authoritarianism (including Shang-Yan and Juan-Chiuan) and benevolence (including life-oriented and work-oriented cares). Lastly, we explore the moderating effects of supervisors' trust propensity on the relationships between subordinates' characteristics and supervisors' trust in subordinates. Two hundred and fifty-three supervisor-subordinate dyads from enterprises in Taiwan were sampled as subjects. The analytic results showed: (1) The subordinates' assisting in managerial activities, personal relationship with supervisors and supervisors' trust propensity positively influenced supervisors' affect-based trust in subordinates, subordinates' capability and adhering to hierarchy behaviors positively influenced the supervisors' cognition-based trust in subordinates. (2) Supervisors' trust propensity negatively influenced the relationships of the subordinates' capability and adhering to hierarchy to supervisors' cognition-based trust in subordinates. (3) Supervisors' affect-based trust in subordinates negatively influenced their leadership behavior of Juan- Chiuan, and positively influenced their leadership behavior of life-oriented and work-oriented cares, but cognition-based trust in subordinates has no any direct influence. Finally, the theoretical and managerial implications were drawn based on the study findings, and recommendations for future researchers were made.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
社會科學 > 法律學
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