


Significant Life Experiences Affecting the Environmental Action of Active Members of Environmental Organizations in the Hualien Area




許世璋(Shih-Jang Hsu)


環境行動負責任的環境行為環境教育 ; 重要生命經驗 ; 環保團體 ; Environmental Action Responsible Environmental Behavior ; Environmental Education ; Significant Life Experiences ; Environmental Organization




11卷2期(2003 / 06 / 01)


121 - 139






The major purposes of this study are (1) to examine significant life experiences in the development of environmental action on the part of active environmental organization members in the Hualien area; and (2) to establish the life path that those active members have followed as they developed environmental action. A questionnaire was mailed to 73 selected active members of environmental organizations to collect their autobiographical memories. Forty-two completed questionnaires were transcribed and subjected to content analysis. The results indicated that the most important significant life experiences were ranked as follows: ”experiences with natural areas (childhood)”, ”environmental organizations”, ”beloved place/habitat destruction”, ”friends”, ”experiences with natural areas (adulthood)”, ”principles”, ”parents”, ”pollution”, and ”vocation”. Implications for program development and instructional practice are presented, and recommendations for further significant life experiences research are provided.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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