


Investigating the Impact of Secondary School Students' Gender on Science-Related Career Choice Intentions in Taiwan-The Case in PISA 2006




簡晉龍(Chin-Lung Chien);任宗浩(Tsung-Hau Jen)


生涯選擇 ; 次級資料分析 ; 自我效能 ; 社會構成論 ; 結構方程式模型 ; Career Choice ; Secondary Data Analysis ; Self-efficacy ; Social Constructionism ; Structural Equation Modeling




19卷5期(2011 / 10 / 01)


461 - 481




本研究目的在瞭解不同性別學生在「科學生涯選擇意向」(science-related career choice intentions)上的差異,並探究造成此差異的相關中介因素。從社會認知生涯理論(social cognitive career theory)及社會構成論(social constructionism)的觀點,性別(gender)背後隱含的社會文化因素,會造成性別在科學生涯選擇上的差異;這些社會文化因素很可能透過科學自我效能、科學結果期待及科學興趣等中介因素,影響不同性別學生的科學生涯選擇意向,也可能有直接的影響。本研究為次級資料分析,資料取自PISA 2006資料庫,樣本為臺灣的15歲在學學生,扣除遺漏值後,共8,812人。潛在平均數比較的結果顯示:男學生在「科學生涯意向」、「科學自我效能」、「科學結果期待」、及「科學興趣」,均顯著高於女學生。路徑模式檢驗的結果顯示:性別對科學生涯意向的影響,大部分是先透過科學自我效能,再經由科學結果期待及科學興趣共同作用,而性別對科學生涯意向也有直接效果。最後,討論本研究之意涵及未來研究方向。


The study aimed to investigate gender difference on “Science-related Career Choice Intentions” (SCCI) and the potential variables mediating the effect of gender on SCCI. According to social cognitive career theory and social constructionism, the socio-cultural factors implicated behind the social construct of “gender” may cause gender difference on SCCI, and the gender effect on SCCI may be mediated by science self-efficacy, outcome expectation (external motivation), and science interest (internal motivation). The study used a secondary analysis approach and the data from 8,812 Taiwanese students responses in the PISA 2006 instrument were analyzed. The latent mean analyses showed that boys’ SCCI, science self-efficacy, outcome expectation, and science interest were significantly higher than girls’. Most importantly, path analysis with latent variables showed that the gender variable exerts a direct effect on SCCI and indirect effects mediated through science self-efficacy, outcome expectation and science interest. Finally, the implications and directions for future research are discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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