


The Effects of Savoring on Individual Creativity: The Mediatory Effects of Creative Self-Efficacy and the Moderated Mediatory Effects of Perceived School Support for Creativity




張菽萱(Shu-Hsuan Chang);王志蓮(Chih-Lien Wang);李金泉(Jing-Chuan Lee)


品味能力 ; 個人創意 ; 創意自我效能 ; 調節式中介效果 ; 學校創意支持 ; Savoring ; Individual Creativity ; Creative Self-Efficacy ; Moderated Mediation Model ; Perceived School Support for Creativity




23卷4期(2015 / 12 / 01)


397 - 419






This study investigated the mediating role of creative self-efficacy in linking savoring with individual creativity, and further examined the moderating role of perceived school support for creativity in influencing the mediating mechanisms. A survey was used to gather responses from a sample of 720 University of Science and Technology students in Taiwan. The research conducted a path-analysis-based moderated mediation analysis to examine the hypotheses. Findings include: 1. savoring, creative self-efficacy, school support for creativity positively affected individual creativity; 2. savoring, school support for creativity positively affected creative self-efficacy; 3. perceived school support for creativity has a significant positive moderating effects on the relationship between creative self-efficacy and individual creativity; 4. the partial-mediating role of creative self-efficacy had an effect of enabling savoring to have a significantly positive effects on individual creativity; and 5. perceived school support for creativity had effects of positively moderated mediation relationships among savoring and individual creativity via creative self-efficacy. Based on these results, the implications and suggestions are provided for future research.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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