


Organizational Identity and Its Application to Business Ethics A Critical Review


徐瑋伶(Wei-Ling Hsu);鄭伯壎(Bor-Shiuan Cheng)


組織認定 ; 社會認定論 ; 組織認同 ; 華人文化脈絡 ; 企業倫理 ; organizational identity ; social identity theory ; organizational identification ; Chinese context ; business ethics




20期(2003 / 12 / 01)


115 - 138




過去二十年來,組織認定(Organizational identity)在西方已是個極受重視的課題,以其為主題的研究橫跨了組織行為及行銷二大領域。然而,在台灣的組織行為領域中,卻幾乎未見組織認定研究之身影,而僅僅在企業形象設計上略有積累。鑑於組織認定議題對組織行為研究與管理實務的重要性,本文即企圖對西方的組織認定研究作一綜觀性的回顧,繼而檢討國內的研究現況,以作為未來華人組織認定研究之基礎。文中先對組織認定的概念作一釐清,並探討組織認定與組織形象、組織文化兩大重要議題之關連,再從組織內外雙重角度探究組織認定之作用;繼之則從文化的觀點出發,討論組織認定在華人文化脈絡下的意義,並討論華人組織認定研究的可能方向。最後,本文從組織認定的角度對企業倫理之意義作一重新詮釋,藉以說明組織認定概念之包攝性和應用範圍。


Western researchers have cultivated the issue of organizational identity for twenty years and accumulated quite a few studies in fields of both organizational behavior and marketing. However, this issue has been long overlooked by Taiwanese researchers. Recognizing the importance of organizational identity to organizational research and management, this paper attempts to comprehensively review the Western studies of organizational identity, and discuss the relevance of this issue to Chinese organization research. First we clarify the concept of organizational identity and illustrate the relationships between organizational identity, organizational culture and organizational image; then we thoroughly discuss the functions and effects of organizational identity on organizational members; we also explore the role of organizational identity in the Chinese context. Finally, we relate organizational identity to the issue of business ethics and suggest some directions for future research.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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