


More Than I Can Say: Disclosure to Parents in Taiwanese-Chinese Early Adults-A Dialectical Perspective


蘇詠絮(Yung-Hsu Su);張滿玲(Maa-Nling Chang);鍾昆原(Kuen-Yung Jone)


自我揭露 ; 華人親子關係 ; 辯證 ; Chinese parent-child relationship ; dialectics ; self-disclosure




58期(2013 / 06 / 01)


15 - 65






This study aimed to explore children's self-disclosure to parents in Chinese culture. 17 early adults were interviewed to collect data regarding difficult self-disclosure topics, struggles, and key factors that led to eventual disclosure. Qualitative data analysis indicated that among the difficult self-disclosure topics were ”societal taboos,” ”frustration during maturation,” ”heartfelt affection,” and ”issues that compelled disclosure, however reluctant the child.” Data showed that the common struggles early adults experience include: 1) struggles of obligation to disclose due to role as child, precipitated by fear of parents' intolerance and hostility; 2) struggles of inability to disclose due to nature of Chinese parent-child relationship norms, characterized by a conflict between deep affection and familial hierarchy power dynamics; 3) struggles to disclose for fear of parental concerns; and 4) struggles between dependence and autonomy, which include fears of being viewed as immature by parents. Key factors that led to eventual self-disclosure included: 1) obligation to inform; 2) feeling of security; 3) emotional outbursts; 4) seeking of autonomous identity, and 5) transformation of parent-child relationship into one more resembling friendship. In general, when Chinese children were compelled to self-disclose, the most common responses were to remain silent, feign compliance, speak indirectly, or to simply avoid the issue. The reasons for such responses were classified into three categories: Early adults were either 1) unused to or unable of self-expression; 2) afraid of their parents' reactions; or 3) demonstrating maturity by ”not worrying their parents.” As a whole, analyses showed that Chinese children develop a unique style of parent-child communication that results from ongoing dialectics between dependence and independence, from which inner conflicts of obedience and autonomy as well as responsibility and intimacy are constantly at work.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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