


Development and Validation of Teaching Quality Scale for University Physical Education




劉雅文(Ya-Wen Liu);潘義祥(Yi-Hsiang Pan);周宏室(Hung-Shih Chou)


體育課程與教學 ; 課室經營 ; 學習評量 ; physical education curriculum and teaching ; classroom management ; learning evaluation




17卷1期(2015 / 03 / 31)


18 - 29






The purpose of this study was to develop the Teaching Quality Scale for University Physical Education (TQSUPE), which can be used in physical education classes for students to evaluate the teaching quality of teachers. In the research methods firstly adapted interviews, op en-ended questionnaire and focused group interview to develop an original scale, later exploratory and confirmatory factor analyzes were used to test the reliability and validity for TQSUPE. This study consisted of two stages, including exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). In EFA stage, 225 Taiwanese university students were included and CFA stage included 724 participants. The result showed that TQSUPE has four stable factorial components with 20 items, including curricular content, teaching strategy, classroom management and learning evaluation. It is concluded that the TQSUPE is a well-considered measurement with acceptable validity and reliability. It may be useful to estimate the teaching quality for university physical education and to evaluate teachers' teaching satisfaction for students.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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