


Research on the Influence of Teachers' Trust on Students' Grit in the Era of COVID-19 Situation




戴愷歆(Kai-Hsin Tai)


教師信任 ; 恆毅力 ; 疫情時代 ; 線上教學 ; teachers's trust ; grit ; epidemic era ; online teaching




135期(2021 / 09 / 16)


264 - 279






In the era of COVID-19 situation, online teaching is becoming more and more important because of the teaching mode of non-stop. Online teaching has lost a lot of interaction between teachers and students, and class management has been changed to online mode, which further extends the important issue of teachers' trust and care for students. With the popularity of online teaching, students' autonomous learning ability has attracted much attention. Under the condition of learning without teachers, the key to learning is to master the spirit and attitude of hard work and persistent learning. The purpose of this study is to explore the impact of teachers' trust in students on their learning grit in the epidemic era. We can learn that the scale of teachers' trust has different effects on different characteristics of students' grit, and give online teachers suggestions for this study.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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