


Crisis Management of School Bullying-An Ecosystem Perspective




李佩珊(Pei-Shan Lee)


生態系統 ; 校園霸凌 ; 危機處理 ; 系統合作 ; ecosystem ; school bullying ; crisis management ; system cooperation




137期(2022 / 01 / 16)


294 - 312






This paper aims to explore the crisis management of school bullying in the ecosystem model. The school administration response mainly includes: 1. the regulations and handling rules of school bullying, which are divided into the discovery period, handling period, and tracking period; 2. the crisis management response of school bullying, which is divided into the prevention stage before the crisis, the handling stage during the crisis, and the recovery stage after the crisis. Ecosystem theory provides three perspectives: 1) the individual characteristics of school bullying, with emphasis on the influence of gender, ethnicity, and physical and mental status; 2) the environmental context of school bullying, including microsystem, mediator system, external system, and macrosystem; 3) the time system of crisis management, with attention to single, continuous, or comprehensive bullying incidents.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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