


The Development of Academic Research in Service Design: A Meta-Analysis


何舒軒(Shu-Shiuan Ho);宋同正(Tung-Jung Sung)


服務設計 ; 學術發展 ; 跨領域 ; 後設研究 ; Service Design ; Academic Development ; Metadata Analysis




19卷2期(2014 / 06 / 01)


53 - 74




近年來,服務產業在全球經濟發展上的重要性與日俱增,服務設計研究也逐漸引起各界的關注和興趣。基本上,服務設計是一門強調整體性(holistic)、跨領域(multidisciplinary)和整合性(integrative)的新興設計領域。因為,現今服務設計處於孕育期,故大多數臺灣設計研究者或設計師對其定義及實質內涵和現階段學術研究發展仍較模糊不清。基此,本研究主要研究目的有三:1.釐清服務設計的定義與 內涵;2.綜觀國際及臺灣服務設計學術研究發展;3.提出未來服務設計研究發展重點方向。透過Web of Science、Scopus和臺灣期刊論文索引系統等資料庫,本研究藉由後設研究法收集並分析先前國際與臺灣服務設計相關之學術研究論文,藉此了解服務設計研究發展現況、學術領域涵蓋、專業學術期刊及論文被引用率等。最後,本研究提出「服務設計本質探索」、「多重管道的服務設計」、「產品服務系統設計與應用」、「服務體驗共創」、「社會創新暨公共服務設計」及「永續性服務設計」等六大未來研究發展重點方向。冀望,本研究成果可以提供學術界與實務界未來在服務設計發展之重要參考依據。


Recently, service industries have been the most dynamic sector in the world economic development, and there has been a tremendous wave of interest in the service design research. In general, service design is a design-related emerging field which largely focuses on a holistic, multidisciplinary, and integrative design thinking. It is less clear about the definition and real meanings and the present academic development in service design for the design academic and practical fields since service design is in the warm-up period currently in Taiwan. Hence, this study aims to 1. indentify the definition and meaning of service design, 2. assess the international and Taiwanese academic research development in service design, and 3. propose the guidance for future studies of service design. To achieve these goals, via Web of Science, Scopus, and Index to Taiwan Periodical Literature System of National Central Library, this study employs the meta-analysis methodology to collect and analyze academic research articles of service design, and reviews the current research development, academic subject areas, professional journals, and citation counts in service design. Finally, this study proposes six future service design research agenda, which are the nature of service design, multi-channel service design, product-service system design, service experience co-creation, social innovation and public service design, and sustainable service design. It is hoped that this study can be treated as a reference for the related issues of service design for design academia and practices.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
社會科學 > 傳播學
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