


Development of the Children Scientific Creative Problem Solving Test


王佳琪(Chia-Chi Wang);何曉琪(Hsiao-Chi Ho);鄭英耀(Ying-Yao Cheng)


Rasch部分給分模式 ; 科學創造性問題解決 ; 創意問題解決 ; creative problem solving ; Rasch partial credit model ; scientific creative problem solving




61卷3期(2014 / 09 / 01)


337 - 360




本研究根據Parnes(1977)所提出的創意問題解決模式(creative problem solving, CPS),重新修訂一份適用於國小五、六年級學童的「科學創造性問題解決測驗」,旨在了解學童於日常生活情境中,以科學知識為基礎,運用觀察、分析與高層次思考,進而解決問題的能力。研究對象包含預試樣本487位學生,正式樣本717位學生。本測驗以情境題組的方式,分別從觀察問題、界定問題、分析問題與解決問題等四個歷程編擬,每個歷程各編寫8個項目,分三個部分(看圖說故事、整理筆記、腦筋急轉彎),共計32題。經以Rasch部分給分模式分析,修訂後之量表具有良好的模式資料適配度。所有的題目在男、女生並無明顯的差異試題功能(differential item functioning, DIF),且觀察問題、界定問題、分析問題與解決問題的信度分別是.70、.75、.78與.76。最後,針對「科學創造性問題解決測驗」的發展與應用,提出未來研究之建議。


Based on the model of creative problem solving (Parnes, 1977), this study revised the Children Scientific Creative Problem Solving (CS-CPS) Test for 5th and 6th graders. A total of 1,204 students completed the CS-CPS contained sample one (n = 487) and sample two (n = 717). The test was designed to measure pupils' creativity in real-life problem solving. The test covered 4 major processes, problem-observation, problemdefinition, problem-analysis, and problem-solution. The test contained 8 testlets, each with 4 items. These 32 items can be classified into 3 parts: story telling, note making, and fun puzzle. The Rasch partial credit model was used to assess model-data fit. A differential item functioning (DIF) analysis was conducted to assess the consistency of the ratings provided by males and females. The results revealed that the four dimensions of the CS-CPS showed good model-data fit and supported the four-factor classification. It was found that the 4 subtests (processes) had person separate reliabilities of .70, .75, .78, and .76. Finally, suggestions for future research to revise and apply the CS-CPS were proposed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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