


A Study on the Influence of Creativity Teaching on Students' Learning Behavior and Learning Motivation: Concurrently Discuss the Influence of Teachers' Trust and Participation in Professional Learning Communities on Creativity Teaching


蕭佳純(Chia-Chun, Hsiao)


教師信任 ; 專業學習社群 ; 創造力教學 ; 學習行為 ; 學習動機 ; teacher trust ; professional learning community ; creativity teaching ; learning behavior ; learning motivation




20卷2期(2021 / 12 / 01)


69 - 94






Taking creativity teaching as the core concept, the structural model with teacher trust and participation in professional learning communities as antecedent variables and students' learning motivation and learning behavior as outcome variables is proposed in this study. The research subjects contain 214 elementary school teachers participating in professional learning communities and the tutored 4,066 students. The structural equation model analysis discovers that creativity teaching would not directly affect students' learning behavior, but could indirectly affect learning behavior through the mediation of learning motivation. On the other hand, teacher trust would not directly influence participation in professional learning community, but could indirectly influence creativity teaching through the mediation of participation in professional learning community. The research results attempt to test the effect of antecedent variables of creativity teaching and teachers' creativity teaching on outcome variables from the overall perspective. The above mediating path is the major difference in this study from past studies.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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