


A Study on Business Models of on-line Travel agency-The Case of ezTravel




陳素燕(Su-Yen Chen);劉修祥(Hsiou-Hsiang Liu)


電子商務 ; 顧客價值 ; 社群經營 ; e-commerce ; customer value ; community management




5卷1&2期(2010 / 12 / 01)


90 - 99






Electronic commerce has changed the travel business environment and has had a dramatic impact on the nature of strategy in travel business today. Perceived as a fast-growing business opportunity, the Internet has been adopted by many travel organizations as a new, competitive marketing tool in providing travelers not only with travel-related information but also with online transaction opportunities in Taiwan. With the market environment changing dynamically and rapidly, the agility of the business model becomes a survival factor not just a competitive advantage for the success of an enterprise. The results of a survey of B-to-C on-line shopping market in 2009 from Institute for Information Industry showed that the number one selling product on the internet is travel products, sharing 48.5% of the market. Another poll, according to Yahoo's survey about the on-line shopping consumer behavior, shows that ezTravel is the most well-known and the most highly-evaluated on-line travel agency. This qualitative case study explored the phases of web site development and business model of ezTravel. The source of data was collected via the analysis of the content of the web site, case documents and in-depth interview with the CEO. This study's findings demonstrated that ezTravel developed the innovative concept of 'One Click Request & Response' in order to create customer value which successfully increased 2- to 3-fold more on-line sales and employee productivity than the same trade. Deterrence strategy and expansion strategy were also used by ezTravel to keep its competitive advantage. In addition, international collaborative strategy approach was used through resource integration, channel integration, and customer needs fulfillment to give direction to its business development efforts. These findings have important implications for people who practice the same trade. This study also addressed the need for existing business model to focus more on travel information content and community management of the website.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
社會科學 > 管理學
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