


An Analysis Study on the Current Service Situation and Difficulties Faced by the Counseling Psychologists Working in the Kaohsiung Elementary Schools




鄭如安(Ju-An Cheng);葉宣瑩(Hsuan-Ying Yeh)


駐校心理師 ; 高雄市學生心理諮商中心 ; Counseling Psychologists ; Kaohsiung Student Counseling Center




30卷2期(2011 / 09 / 01)


15 - 40






This study was aimed to explore the current service situation and difficulties faced by the counseling psychologists working in the elementary schools. Three counseling psychologists were interviewed. Seven conclusions were drived from the qualitative analysis. 1. The counseling psychologists working in the elementary schools needed to be supervised and to attend professional trainings. 2. The schools transferred the severe and special cases to those counseling psychologists. 3. The major service forms of those counseling psychologists individual counseling and consultation. 4. In the school ecosystem, the counseling psychologist acted as the neutral and socially lubricative role and needed to link the relevant professional collaborations inside and outside the school. 5. The difficulties met by the counseling psychologists included hard communication with the teachers, unrecognized professional opinions and effects, and avoidance of the parents. 6. In the schools, the expertise in counseling psychology received situation of pros and cons. 7. Effective professional consultation was an important way to improve the professional service effects of the counseling psychologists working in the elementary schools. At last, the researchers submitted the following recommendations in accordance with the seven conclusions. 1. Cultivating the professional ability of the counseling psychologists working in the elementary schools. 2. Constructing for the sanction of the expertise in counseling psychology. 3. Helping the counseling psychologists working in the elementary schools reinforce the understanding of the work mode that is with the ecosystem view. 4. Adjusting the system setting up for the counseling psychologists working in the elementary schools. And concrete measures were submitted on each dimension.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 社會學
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