


The Technique Development of Assessing Preschool Children's Creativity in Science: An Embedded Assessment Design


侯雅齡(Ya-Ling Hou)


心流經驗 ; 幼兒科學創造力 ; 動手做科學 ; 嵌入式評量 ; flow experience ; preschool children's science creativity ; hands-on science ; embedded assessment




54卷1期(2009 / 03 / 01)


113 - 142






The purpose of this study was to develop preschool children's creativity assessment in science, including The Preschool Children's Science Creativity Scale (PCSCS) and The Preschool Children's Science Flow Experience Scale (PCSFES). The researcher designed 5 hands-on Physics activities and 3 periods instruction designed under the framework of exploration, scaffolding and show as creative curriculum. 308 children sampled from 8 kindergartens participated in this study. The results have shown: (1) The PCSCS and The PCSFES have reached satisfactory level of internal consistency reliability and inter-rater reliability. In two scales Cronbach α coefficients were .955 and .905. (2) By using confirmatory factor analysis to examine the model, the researcher found the model fit indices indicated that PCSCS and PCSFES fitted the observed data. The construct-related validity was found satisfactory.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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