


The Mediating Effect of Organizational Trust on the Relationships Between Perceived Leadership Styles and Hospital's Employee Voice Behavior


胡瑛麒(Ying-Chi Hu);朱羽莛(Yu-Ting Chu);何清治(Chin-Chih Ho)


領導風格 ; 建言行為 ; 組織信任 ; 創新 ; 變革 ; Leadership style ; Voice behavior ; Organizational trust ; Innovation ; Change




12卷3期(2023 / 11 / 01)


23 - 35




目的:探討知覺領導風格對組織信任與員工建言行為及組織信任對員工建言行為的影響,以及知覺領導風格可以透過員工對組織信任,間接地影響員工建言行為。方法:本研究採橫斷面、問卷調查方式,共有效回收台灣中部某區域醫院243位員工。問卷內容包括基本資料、家長式領導風格量表共15題、組織信任量表共5題、員工建言行為量表共4題。統計方法採SPSS 26.0進行分析。結果:受試者平均年齡37.07±9.51歲。知覺領導風格平均3.66±0.49,構面依序為德行、仁慈、威權。組織信任平均3.44±0.62,構面依序為依賴性、風險承擔意願。員工建言行為平均5.39±0.90。德行、仁慈領導與組織信任、員工建言行為呈顯著正相關。組織信任與員工建言行為呈顯著正相關。組織信任在知覺領導風格(德行、仁慈)與員工建言行為間為部份中介效果。結論:組織信任對員工建言行為為部份中介效果,顯示組織的依賴性及風險承擔意願是員工建言行為的重要驅動因子,而知覺領導風格(德行、仁慈)可用來詮釋員工建言行為產生的心理歷程。


Objectives. To explore the influence of perceived leadership style on organizational trust and employee voice behavior, and the influence of organizational trust on employee voice behavior, and the influence of perceived leadership style on employee voice behavior indirectly through employee trust in the organization. Methods. In this study, a total of 243 employees of a regional hospital in central Taiwan were effectively collected by cross-sectional and questionnaire surveys. The questionnaire includes basic information, paternalistic leadership style scale, a total of 15 questions. The organizational trust scale consists of 5 questions. The employee voice behavior scale consists of 4 questions. The statistical method was SPSS 22.0 for analysis. Results. The mean age of the subjects was 37.07±9.51 years. The average of perceived leadership style was 3.66±0.49, and the aspect in order was moral, benevolent, and authoritarian. The average of organizational trust was 3.44±0.62, and the aspect in order was dependent, and the willingness to take risks. The average of employee voice behavior was 5.39±0.90. Moral, benevolent leadership were positively correlated with organizational trust and employee voice behavior. Organizational trust was significantly positively correlated with employee voice behavior. Organizational trust was a partial mediating effect between perceived leadership style (moral, benevolence) and employee voice behavior. Conclusion. Organizational trust has a partial mediating effect on employee voice behavior, showing that risk-taking willingness and dependence on the organization are important drivers of employee voice behavior, and perceived leadership style (moral, benevolence) can be used to interpret the psychological process of employee voice behavior.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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