


The Relationship among Life of Meaning, Career Self-Efficacy, and Burnout of Elementary School Counselors: Examining Mediating Effects




韓楷檉(Kai-Cheng Han);林裕堯(Yu-Yao Lin)


國小輔導人員 ; 生命意義感 ; 生涯自我效能 ; 職業倦怠 ; Elementary School Counselors ; Life of Meaning ; Career Self-Efficacy ; Job Burnout




28期(2015 / 06 / 01)


119 - 161






The purposes of the current study were to (a)investigate the differences and the relationship among life of meaning, career self-efficacy and burnout of elementary school counselors, and (b) examine the effects of mediator on career self-efficacy between life of meaning and burnout. The sample consisted of 352 elementary school counselors and which were sampled from Taichung city, Changhua county, and Nantou county in Taiwan. The obtained data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, ANOVA, Pearson's product-moment correlation, and structural equation model. The main findings were as follows:(a) The elementary school counselors felt satisfied, delighted and meaningful to their own lives; (b) The elementary school counselors felt certain of works with difficulty, but they still had good career self-efficacy; (c) The job burnout of elementary school counselors was not serious; (d) There were significant differences in rating life of meaning, career self-efficacy and job burnout among different counselors' training backgrounds and differences of job burnout between counselors' work years; (e) There were significant correlations among life of meaning, career self-efficacy and job burnout; (f) In modification indices of path model, there were direct effects on life of meaning and career self-efficacy to job burnout. Career self-efficacy partially mediated the association between life of meaning and job burnout. Finally, based on findings, suggestions for subsequent research and implications on administrative departments and school counselors were presented.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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