


Level Issues in Understanding Organizational Phenomena: Concepts and an Empirical Analysis of Data Non-independence




彭台光(Tai-Kuang Peng);林鉦棽(Cheng-Chen Lin)


資料非獨立性 ; 方法論 ; 跨層次分析 ; 家長式領導 ; data non-independence ; methodology ; cross-level research ; paternalistic leadership




1卷1期(2008 / 02 / 01)


95 - 121






Most of the organizational phenomena are hierarchically imbedded, easily making research data clustered in nature. Data analysis without considering nonindependence often leads to misunderstanding of the phenomenon under examination. Based on extant literature, this study first addressed the level issues from an ontological perspective, followed by a discussion of methodological concerns of nested data. As an illustration, a set of data investigating the effects of paternalistic leadership and the moderation of group cohesiveness was analyzed with OLS and RCM techniques. The impacts of data non-independence were illuminated through comparing the results from single level (i.e., both individual and group) and cross level analyses. The relationships between constructs were largely inflated in single level analyses. Implications of analyzing nested data were addressed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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