


The Relationships among Transformational Leadership, Learning Goal Orientation, Performance Goal Orientation, and Employee Role Behaviors




蔡啟通(Chi-Tung Tsai)


轉型領導 ; 學習式目標導向 ; 表現式目標導向 ; 創新行為 ; 組織公民行為 ; Transformation Leadership ; Learning Goal Orientation ; Performance Goal Orientation ; Innovative Behavior ; Organizational Citizenship Behavior




28卷5期(2011 / 10 / 01)


493 - 520






With heightened levels of competition and an uncertain economic environment, many hospitality organizations are encouraging employees' positive role behaviors to better compete and survive. Recently, several researchers have speculated that overall job performance is a function not only of in-role behavior such as innovative behavior hut also of extra-role behavior such as organizational citizenship behavior. It is critical, then, that facilitating employees' role behaviors (innovative behaviors and organizational citizenship behaviors) have the attention of enterpriser and managers in today's electronic information organizations.While research has demonstrated the independent influences of perception of transformational leadership (TEL) and learning goal orientation (LGO) on employees' role behaviors, little research has examined how these elements of goal Orientation and TFL influence each other in predicting employees' role behaviors. The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between TFL and the employees' role behaviors, this study also examines whether the moderating effect of employees' LGO on the relation between TFL and the employees' innovative behaviors are, in turn, moderated by employees' performance goal orientation (PGO). Finally, this research also investigates whether the interacting effect of TEL and employee' LGO on their organizational citizenship behaviors are, in turn, moderated by employees' PGO.Survey data on 303 employees of electronic company in Taiwan suggest that the employees who placed more importance on their TFL were more likely to perform innovative behaviors and organizational citizenship behaviors. In addition, results of regression analysis indicated the employees who placed more importance on their LGO were more likely to perform organizational citizenship behaviors, Furthermore, hierarchical regression analyses revealed the three-way interaction effect of TEL, LGO, and PGO significantly lead to high levels of innovative behaviors. When employees who perceived the high-PGO, the TFL had more of a positive impact on employees' innovative behaviors when LGO seas low rather than high. In contrast, employees who perceived the low-PGO and high levels of the TFL exhibited higher level of innovative behaviors, regardless of the level of the LGO. Finally, hierarchical regression analyses also revealed the interacting effect of TEL and employee' LGO on their organizational citizenship behaviors are, in turn, moderated by employees' PGO. When employees who perceived the high-PGO, the TEL had also more of a positive impact on employees' organizational citizenship behaviors when LGO was low rather than high. In contrast, employees who perceived the low-PGO and high levels of the TFL exhibited higher level of organizational citizenship behaviors, regardless of the level of the LGO. In conclusion, only when an employee's PGO was stronger and his or her LGO was weaker; were higher perceived TEL accompanied by increasing in role behaviors.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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