


"The Ecological Systems Model of Creativity Development"and Its Contest Interpretation in the Fields of Technology and Information




葉玉珠(Yu-Chu Yeh)


生態系統模式 ; 科技 ; 資訊 ; 訪談 ; 創造力 ; creativity ; ecological systems model ; information ; interview ; technology




32卷1期(2000 / 08 / 01)


95 - 121






The main purposes of this study were (a) to propose ”The ecological systems model of creativity development” as well as to interpret its content via the results of interviewing highly creative people in the fields of technology and information; and (b) to explore the main ecological systems that influence people's creativity development in the fields of technology and information, including personal traits, family, school, and organization environment. The participants included 30 creative people in the fields of technology and information. The study was completed through the following five stages: developing interview questions, developing a checklist for content analysis, conducting interviews, analyzing interview results, and analyzing the frequency and percentage for each response made by the interviewees. The employed instruments were a checklist with 27 questions and a tape recorder. Both qualitative and quantitative methods, including content analysis and frequency analysis, were employed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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