


Test of a model of future-oriented self-regulated learning and an examination of the moderating effect of classroom goal structures in the model.




彭淑玲(Shu-Ling Peng)


未來目標 ; 自我調整學習 ; 個人目標導向 ; 課室目標結構 ; classroom goal structures ; future goal ; personal goal orientation ; self-regulated learning




48卷3期(2017 / 03 / 01)


371 - 397




本研究統整未來目標與成就目標理論,建構「未來取向之自我調整學習模式」,以解釋學習者的未來、近側目標對其自我調整學習(SRL)之影響;此外,本研究加入情境因素,探討課室目標結構(情境)與個人目標導向(個人)之交互作用對SRL 的影響。為完成上述目的,本研究以768 位國中生為觀察資料,並以結構方程模式進行統計分析。結果顯示本研究提出的理論模式受到國中生觀察資料支持,並指出未來內在目標最能預測趨向精熟目標,未來外在目標最能預測趨向表現目標,而趨向精熟目標對SRL 的預測效果最高。再者,研究結果支持課室目標結構在個人目標導向與SRL 之關係上的調節效果:當學習者知覺到精熟目標結構時,能提升趨向表現目標對SRL 的正向預測效果;當學習者知覺到表現目標結構時,則降低趨向表現目標對SRL 的正向預測效果。本研究依據研究結果提出建議,以作為提供國中教學輔導與未來研究之參考。


This study integrates future goal theory and achievement goal theory. This study aims to (a) construct a model of future-oriented self-regulated learning to explain the relations among students' distant goals, proximal goals, and self-regulated learning (SRL), and (b) investigate the moderating effect of students' perceptions of classroom goal structures within the model. 768 junior high school students were recruited to participate in the study. Structure equation modeling was used for data analysis. The results showed that the proposed model was supported by the observed data and truly suitable to interpret the relations among future goals, personal goal orientation, and SRL among Taiwanese students. Future intrinsic goal was found to be most strongly related to approach-mastery goal, whereas future extrinsic goal most closely associated with approach-performance goal. Also, approach-mastery goal had the strongest positive influence on SRL. Regarding the moderating role, it was found that classroom goal structures moderated the relation between personal goal orientation and SRL; namely, the small, positive relationship between approach-performance goal and SRL was enhanced within mastery classroom goal structures but was reduced within performance classroom goal structures. This empirical study not only contributes to theory development but also sheds light on the practice of teaching and mentoring.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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