


School Psychologists' Expectations Verses the Reality of Interdisciplinary Collaboration between School Psychologists and School Counselors




陳婉真(Wan-Chen Chen);江守峻(Shou-Jiun Jiang);林傳陽(Chuan-Yang Lin);洪雅鳳(Ya-Feng Hung)


心理師 ; 合作信念 ; 跨專業合作 ; 學校輔導 ; collaboration ; interdisciplinary collaboration ; psychologist ; school counselor




34卷1期(2021 / 03 / 01)


55 - 84






Purpose: Interdisciplinary collaboration between school psychologists and school counselors is the key to enhancing the professional practice of school counseling. School policies formulated in recent years aim to motivate psychologists to provide mental health services in a school setting. We investigated the self-evaluation ability of school psychologists engaging in interdisciplinary collaboration, including their own perceived ability to evaluate clients, maintain interpersonal relationships, and engage in systematic consultation. We addressed 2 research questions: As experts from outside the school system, what are their observations and beliefs about interdisciplinary collaboration? And, how do factors like gender, age, and seniority affect this interdisciplinary collaboration? To answer these questions, we revised the Collaboration Situation and Beliefs between School Counselor and School Psychologist Scale, which is comprised of two subscales: the Collaboration Situation Scale (CSS) and the Collaboration Belief Scale (CBS). Analysis of the difference between responses reflecting the current situation (CSS) and expectations (CBS) should provide constructive feedback for both school psychologists and school counselors. Methods: We contacted 10 school counseling centers around Taiwan, which resulted in 125 valid questionnaires (20 men and 105 women). Results: Both scales showed an acceptable Cronbach's alpha above .86. We conducted an exploratory factor analysis to evaluate the goodness of fit of both scales, and their criterion-related validity was supported with the "Psychologist Competency Rating Scale". Our confirmatory factor analysis identified 3 identical dimensions on the CSS and the CBS: professional assistance, collaboration support, and school immersion. On both the CSS and the CBS, the average score on professional assistance was significantly higher than the average score for school immersion, and the average for school immersion was significantly higher than the average for collaboration support. In addition, The CBS scores were higher than the CSS scores for professional assistance, school immersion, and for the complete scale. However, there was no difference in collaboration support between the CBS and the CSS. As for background variables, there was no difference between genders; older and more experienced psychologists scored higher in professional assistance, school immersion, and the complete CSS than younger and less experienced psychologists, but there was no difference in CBS. Conclusions: Based on the analyses, we concluded that school psychologists build equal and mutually-supportive relationships with school counselors. In addition, the ability to develop systematic collaboration should be cultivated during the training of professional psychologists. Lastly, dedication and engagement in school settings may facilitate school psychologists' interdisciplinary collaboration with school counselors. As for future research, the difference in perspectives between school counselors and school psychologists, and the difference between professional assistance and collaboration support should be investigated. We hope to promote collaboration between school psychologists and school counselors, and to achieve optimal outcomes in interdisciplinary collaboration.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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