


Re-examining the Impact of Salespeople's Goal Orientation on Their Behavioral Performance: The Moderating Roles of Sales Experience and Supervisor's Paternalistic Leadership




陳嵩(Song Chen);陳光偉(Kuang-Wei Chen);林伶瑾(Lin-Chin Lin);李佩芬(Pei-Feng Lee)


目標導向 ; 行為績效 ; 家長式領導 ; 銷售經驗 ; goal orientation ; behavioral performance ; paternalistic Leadership ; sales experience




19卷2期(2012 / 05 / 01)


117 - 170




在商業組織裡,銷售人員是創造營收及產生成本的主要來源,因此如何有效管理、並激勵銷售人員在角色內、外行為上投入更多心力,一直是學術界及企業界關注的焦點。目前已有研究者依據教育心理學的成就動機理論,探討銷售人員目標導向與銷售行為的關係,但往往得到不一致的研究發現。本研究延伸過去的研究,並依據目標均衡發展的觀點,首先探討銷售人員目標導向(包括學習導向、趨向表現導向、及迴避表現導向)對行為績效(包括角色內行為--銷售行為、及角色外行為—組織公民行為)之影響,其次推論銷售經驗及上司家長式領導(包括威權及仁慈領導)的干擾角色,並以台南地區壽險業的271 位第一線業務人員為問卷調查實證對象。結構方程模式分析結果顯示,銷售人員愈傾趨向表現導向或上司愈傾低威權領導,銷售人員學習導向對行為績效的正向影響愈強烈。此外,在高銷售經驗或高學習導向的情況下,銷售人員的趨向表現導向對行為績效呈顯著正向影響;在低銷售經驗或低學習導向的情況下,銷售人員的趨向表現導向對行為績效呈負向影響。再者,在上司低仁慈領導的情況下,銷售人員的迴避表現導向才會對組織公民行為產生顯著負向影響。最後研究者依據實證結果提出管理建議供企業主管參考。


The salesperson is a major revenue-producing and cost-generating factor in most business enterprises. Consequently, understanding the way to manage and motivate salespeople to devote extra effort to their in-role and extra-role behaviours has long been a topic of research interest to academicians and practitioners. Guided by achievement motivation theory, there were much research examining the relationships between salespersons' goal orientation and selling behaviours, but have found inconsistent results. The present study extended precious research and re-examined the relationships of salespersons' goal orientation (including learning, performance-approach and performance-avoidance orientation) to their behavioural performance (including in-role selling behaviours and extra-role organizational citizenship behaviours) from the view of balance of both learning and performance-approach orientation, as well as explored the moderating roles of sales experience and supervisors' paternalistic leadership (including benevolence and authoritarianism leadership). Two hundreds and seventy-one sales employees from five life insurance firms in Taiwan were sampled as subjects. Results of structural equation modeling demonstrated that the positive relationships between learning orientation and behavioral performance was stronger for individuals with high performance-approach orientation or leaded by low authoritarianism leadership than for those with low performance-approach orientation or leaded by high authoritarianism one. The findings also showed that the relationship of performance-approach orientation to behavioral performance were significantly positive for individuals with high sales experience or high learning orientation, but these relationships became negatively for those with low sales experience or low learning orientation. In addition, a significantly negative relationship between performance-avoidance orientation and organizational citizenship behaviours was found for salesperson leaded by low benevolence leadership. Finally, managerial implications for managers and directions for future research are suggested.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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