


The Influence of Supervisors' Paternalistic Leadership Styles on Subordinates' Goal Orientations and Performance: A Case of Bank's Financial Consultants


陳嵩(Song Chen);李佩芬(Pei-Feng Lee);陳光偉(Kuang-Wei Chen)


家長式領導 ; 目標取向 ; 銷售人員 ; 績效 ; Paternalistic Leadership ; Goal Orientations ; Salesperson ; Performance




77期(2008 / 06 / 01)


1 - 46






The salesperson is a major revenue-producing and cost-generating factor in most business enterprises. Consequently, the successful management of salespersons by sales manager is of central importance in determining the success of the firm. Understanding the way adopted by sales managers to motivate salespeople, improve their capability, and consequently increase their outcome performance has long been a topic of research interest to marketing academicians and practitioners. The study explores the influence of supervisors' paternalistic leadership styles (including benevolence and authoritarianism leadership) on salesperson's goal orientations (i.e., learning, proving and avoiding goal orientation). Furthermore, infers that the influence of the relationship of salespersons' goal orientations to their selling behavioral performance and sales performance. Two hundreds and fifty-one financial consultants from bank industry in Taiwan were sampled as subjects. Factor analysis shows that authoritarianism concept could resolve into two dimensions, majesty and centralism leadership. Path analysis indicates that (1) benevolence leadership has positive impact on salespeople's learning and proving orientations, but negative on avoiding orientation, (2) majesty and centralism leadership has negative impact on salespeople's learning, and the latter shows positive impact on avoiding orientation, and (3) salespeople's learning and proving orientations have positive impact on salespeople's selling behavioral performance. Moreover, the higher the selling behavioral performance is, the higher the sales performance. Finally, suggestions for salesforce management and recommendations for future research are presented.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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