


The Relationship Between Paternalistic Leadership and Subordinates' Voice Behavior: Roles of Deep Acting and Surface Acting




李庭閣(Tingko Lee);嚴國晉(Kuo-Ching Yen);費吳琛(Wu-Chen Fei);蔡佩容(Pei-Jung Tsai)


家長式領導 ; 情緒調節策略 ; 深層演出 ; 表層演出 ; 建言行為 ; paternalistic leadership ; emotion regulation strategy ; deep acting ; surface acting ; voice behavior




21卷2期(2021 / 12 / 01)


75 - 99






In the workplace, subordinates often have invisible pressures of "can't be yourself". Emotional regulation has been almost a part of subordinate's work. Drawing on the emotion regulation theory, this study mainly explores the relationship between the paternalistic leadership (such as authoritarian, benevolent, and moral leadership) and the subordinates' voice behavior, and further explores the mediation effects of deep acting and surface acting. Surface acting refers modifying the superficial expressions without changing inner feelings; however, deep acting refers modifying inner feelings to reflect the actual emotional displays. This study tested the theoretical model with 473 supervisor-subordinate matched data of the staff divisions in military officers. The results of structural equation modeling show that subordinates' perceptions regarding the authoritarian, benevolent, and moral leadership can positively stimulate the deep acting and further enhance their voice behavior. Moreover, subordinates' perceptions regarding the authoritarian leadership can positively stimulate the surface acting and further eliminate their voice behavior. However, there is no significant that surface acting mediates the relationship between benevolent leadership (or moral leadership) and voice behavior. Finally, theoretical contributions and practical implications are also discussed in this study.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
社會科學 > 法律學
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