


Organizational Loyalty: Indigenous Construct and Its Measurement


姜定宇(Ding-Yu Jiang);鄭伯壎(Bor-Shiuan Cheng);任金剛(King-Kong Jen);黃政瑋(Cheng-Wei Huang)


組織忠誠 ; 組織承諾 ; Chinese organizational loyalty ; organizational commitment




19期(2003 / 06 / 01)


273 - 337






Organizational loyalty can be described as an employee with a high level of affective attachment and behavioral support to his/her organization. Organizational loyalty is not only important for connecting organization members as a whole, but also a critical issue in organizational behavior research. In Chinese society, there is a long history revolving around the evolution of the concept of loyalty. Before Chun Qiu, the word 'loyalty' in Chinese society implicated one's dedication to one's country. However, the concept of 'loyalty' has slowly evolved into a resemblance of the western concept with the increase of Western influence on Chinese society. Nowadays, loyalty is still important for Chinese employees, and several indigenous researches investigated the content and construct of loyalty in Chinese business enterprises. However, the differences between organizational loyalty in Chinese society and organizational commitment in Western society are still unclear. Furthermore, there are no reliable and validated instruments applicable to measure Chinese organizational loyalty. As a result, this study systematically reviews the findings and definitions in Chinese and Western societies, and uses qualitative approaches gathering organizational loyalty descriptions in order to identify the uniqueness of the construct of Chinese organizational loyalty. According to the literature review and qualitative analysis, the study develops the Chinese organizational loyalty scale. The scale is validated using exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, criteria-related validity analysis, and discriminate validity analysis. The results shows that Chinese organizational loyalty is consisted two cross-culture common dimensions-”internalization obligation” and ”identification to organization”, and six culture-specific dimensions-”dedication for company”, ”constructive suggestion”, ”helping colleague”, ”initiative”, ”protecting company resources”, and ”organizational compliance”. Implications and research directions are discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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