


Work Conditions and Job Adaptation of Novice Industrial Designers in Taiwan


游萬來(Man-Lai You);楊敏英(Ming-Ying Yang);羅士孟(Shi-Meng Luo)


初任工業設計師 ; 就業 ; 工作情況 ; 工作適應 ; 設計教育 ; Novice Industrial Designer ; Employment ; Working Conditions ; Job Adaptation ; Design Education




19卷1期(2014 / 03 / 01)


43 - 66






Industrial design graduates newly entering the workplace inevitably encounter various adaptation problems in the first few years. The job performance and further career development of novice industrial designers heavily depends on whether or not they can overcome these problems and appropriately adjust themselves in the working environment. This paper reports an investigation of the work conditions and job adaptation of novice industrial designers within three years after graduation in Taiwan. The study was conducted with in-depth interviews and questionnaire surveys. The findings can be summarized as follows: 1. The top three most severe problems they face are: ”lack of inspirations for the design tasks”, ”the proposed designs being rejected”, and ”contrary job commands being given by different superiors.” These problems are generally resolved by the novice designers through consultation with mentors and discussion with colleagues. 2. The top three most frequently used methods for further learning/training adopted by the novice designers are: ”initiative inquiry”, ”consultation with mentors”, and ”being guided by senior designers.” 3. Based on their experience in job adaptation, the novice designers suggest that industrial design students should prepare for the future work by: ”having a passion for and a keen interest in design”, ”getting familiar with design software packages”, ”setting job goals for the future”, and ”being competent in design sketching.” The findings could help novice industrial designers to adapt to the workplace more easily, as well as a reference for design educators and design managers. Furthermore, in addition to further studies, some implications for design education and practices are also discussed.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
社會科學 > 傳播學
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