


A Study on the Relationship between Teachers' Leader-Member Exchange and Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Elementary Schools-The Mediating Effect of Job Satisfaction and the Moderating Effect of Paternalistic Leadership


張博楷(Bo-Kai Chang);蕭佳純(Chia-Chun Hsiao)


工作滿意度 ; 家長式領導 ; 組織公民行為 ; 領導者與部屬交換關係 ; job satisfaction ; leader-member exchange ; organizational citizenship behavior ; patemalistic leadership




30期(2013 / 11 / 01)


41 - 83






This study is intended to explore the mediating effect and the moderating effect between organizational citizenship behavior and leader-member exchange regarding job satisfaction and paternalistic leadership respectively. For the research method, we introduced questionnaire for investigation. A total of 604 effective questionnaires were derived from 44 schools, which were analyzed by Multiple Regression Analysis and Hierarchical Linear Modeling. The analysis result shown that loyalty, contribution, job satisfaction, benevolent leadership and authoritarian leadership have direct and obvious influence on organizational citizenship behavior-individuals (OCB-I). Affect, professional respect, job satisfaction and moral leadership have significant positive impact on organizational citizenship behavior-organization (OCB-O); while affect, professional respect and job satisfaction have noticeable positive impact on selfless devotion behavior. In addition, job satisfaction has partial mediating effect between professional respect and OCB-O, but with complete mediating effect between professional respect and selfless devotion. At last, the benevolent leadership has positive moderating effect between loyalty and OCB-O; while the authoritarian leadership has positive moderating effect between loyalty and selfless devotion.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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