


Why do Employees speak up? The Effects of Employees' Prosocial and Impression Management Motives on Voice Behaviors: Moderating Roles of Employee Promotion Focus, Affective Commitment, and Citizenship Pressure




紀乃文(Nai-Wen Chi);李學佳(Hsueh-Chia Lee)


建言動機 ; 建言行為 ; 求成型焦點 ; 情感性組織承諾 ; 公民行為壓力 ; voice motives ; voice behaviors ; promotion focus ; affective organizational commitment ; citizenship pressure




35卷1期(2018 / 03 / 01)


1 - 25




為了對建言的文獻做出貢獻,本研究依Morrison (2011)的建言模式為基礎,探討員工不同建言動機對不同建言行為的影響、以及個人/情境因素的干擾效果。透過不同時間點與員工-主管配對的研究設計,收集88間公司共416份有效主管-員工配對樣本。經階層迴歸分析發現:1.印象管理動機與支持性建言、挑戰性建言皆呈負向關係;但員工求成型焦點高時可減弱此兩段負向關係;2.當員工具高度情感性組織承諾或公民行為壓力高時,利社會動機與支持性建言、挑戰性建言的關係皆為正向;反之則轉變為負向關係;3.最後,額外分析發現,印象管理/利社會動機會產生交互作用進而影響兩種建言:當員工具有低度印象管理動機及高度利社會動機時,會展現出較高程度的支持性與挑戰性建言。本研究依據結果提出理論貢獻,亦針對管理意涵加以討論之。


Encouraging employees to speak up is a key to continuous innovation for organizations. In order to contribute to the voice literature, the present study applied Morrison's (2011) voice model to examine the relationships between employees' different voice motives and voice behaviors, as well as the moderating effects of employee promotion focus, affective commitment, and citizenship pressure. To test the proposed model, the present study collected the data from 416 supervisor-employee pairs from various industries and occupations at two different time points. The results of the hierarchical regression analyses showed: (1) Employees' impression management motive is negatively related to both supportive and challenging voice, whereas promotion focus attenuates these negative relationship; (2) When employees' affective commitment or citizenship pressure are high, relationships between prosocial motives and supportive/challenging voice become positive. However, when affective commitment or citizenship pressure is low, these relationship become negative; (3) Employees' impression management and prosocial motives interacted jointly in predicting voice: when impression management motive is low whereas prosocial motive is high, employees would engage in more supportive and challenging voice behaviors.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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