


The Effect of a Long-Term Chinese Reading Intervention Program on Primary Grade Students' Reading Growth




陳淑麗(Shu-Li Chen);曾世杰(Shih-Jay Tzeng)


早期語文介入 ; 補救教學 ; 介入長度 ; 追蹤研究 ; early reading intervention ; remedial instruction ; intervention length ; follow-up study




15卷2期(2019 / 06 / 30)


57 - 88






Fifty-two grade 1 poor readers were recruited from a remote area in Taiwan, in which 33 and 19 students in the experimental and contrast groups, participated in the study. We provided a 2-year reading intervention program to the experimental group while the contrast group received regular after-school assistance. Dependent measures of reading such as Chu-Yin-Fu-How (Chinese phonetic symbols) and character recognition were collected at the end of 3 consecutive academic years. Three major findings are: 1. The experimental group outperformed the contrast group on the progress of Chu-Yin- Fu-How and character recognition at the end of the first year. Only test of character recognition was conducted in the second year, where again, the experimental group outperformed the contrast group. Results show that long-term and intensive intervention does improve the reading abilities of grade 1 poor readers. 2. As high as 97% and 39.4% participants' returned to grade-1 level on Chu-Yin-Fu-How and character recognition respectively after one year of early intervention. In the second year, higher percentage of participants, namely 42.4%, returned to grade-2 level which indicates an intervention length effect. That is, the longer the intervention, the better the reading growth. 3. The intervention effect was retained in the third year but seemed to fade away.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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