


The Latent Change Analysis among Individual Goal Orientations, Classroom Goal Structures and Self-Regulated Learning Strategies




林宴瑛(Yen-Ying Lin);程炳林(Biing-Lin Cherng)


自我調整學習策略 ; 個人目標導向 ; 課室目標結構 ; 潛在改變量分析 ; classroom goal structure ; individual goal orientation ; latent change analysis ; self-regulated learning strategies




39卷2期(2007 / 12 / 01)


173 - 194






The purposes of this study were to investigate the trends of individual goal orientations, classroom goal structures and self-regulated learning strategies that changed with time, and to analyze how the long-term development of classroom goal structures influenced the changes of individual goal orientations which in turn influenced the changes of self-regulated learning strategies. This study used a longitudinal design. Participants were 802 junior high school students. Statistical methods for data analysis were latent change analysis (LCA) and conditional multivariate latent curve analysis (CMLCA).The results of this study showed that: (a) The individual goal orientation latent change analysis model fitted the empirically observed data well, showing that the latent change mean of the four goal orientations all declined with time, (b) the classroom goal structure latent change analysis model fitted the empirically observed data well, showing that except the approach-performance classroom goal structure, the latent change mean of approach-mastery classroom goal structure, avoidance-mastery classroom goal structure, and avoidance-performance classroom goal structure declined with time, (c) the self-regulated learning strategies latent change analysis model fitted the empirically observed data well, showing that except the effort and persistence strategy, the latent change mean of others all declined with time, (d) the self-regulated learning strategies conditional multivariate latent curve model fitted the empirically observed data, indicating that classroom goal structures and self-regulated learning strategies were mediated through individual goal orientations. Based on the results of this study, suggestions for further studies were proposed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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