


Chinese Loyalty to Supervisor: Construct Analysis and Scale Development




姜定宇(Ding-Yu Jiang);鄭伯壎(Bor-Shuian Cheng);鄭紀塋(Chi-Ying Cheng);周麗芳(Li-Fang Zhou)


效忠主管 ; 量表建構 ; 建構效度 ; 華人組織行為 ; Loyalty to supervisor ; Chinese Loyalty to Supervisor Scale ; reliability and validity ; and Chinese organizational behavior reliability and validity ; and Chinese organizational behavior




49卷4期(2007 / 12 / 01)


407 - 432






Loyalty to supervisor is a prevalent but under-investigated phenomenon in Chinese organizations. One plausible reason for this is the lack of a reliable and valid measure of loyalty in the Chinese context. This study aims to develop a valid measure of Chinese loyalty to supervisor. In Study 1, we identify a four-dimension construct of loyalty to supervisor that consists of 11 sub-dimensions (factors) on the basis of loyalty literature. The four dimensions are: identification with supervisor, task assistance, obedience, and sacrifice for supervisor. In Study 2, a 40-item Chinese loyalty to supervisor scale was developed and examined by three independent samples. The results from exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses indicated that the 11-factor, 40-item scale could be reduced to a 6-factor, 21-item scale. The six factors are: identification with supervisor, internalization of the supervisor's values, initiative accommodation, task assistance, obedience, and sacrifice for supervisor. Results of reliability analyses indicated that the Chinese loyalty to supervisor scale is reliable and stable over time. Evidence that supports the criterion-related validity of Chinese loyalty to supervisor scale shows that Chinese loyalty to supervisor significantly associates with paternalistic leadership, job performance, extra-role performance, and supervisor trust in subordinate. This newly developed scale has theoretical and practical implications for future research on Chinese organizational behavior.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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