


Difficulties, Needs, and Challenges of School-based Mental Health Services: A Perspective of Junior High School Counselors in Taipei


林郁倫(Yu-Lun Lin);陳婉真(Wan-Chen Chen);林耀盛(Yaw-Sheng Lin);王鍾和(Zhong-He Wang)


學校輔導 ; 心理師駐區服務 ; 質性研究 ; 跨專業合作 ; 專業風格 ; school guidance ; school-based mental health services ; interdisciplinary collaboration ; professional style ; qualitative study




36卷1期(2014 / 05 / 01)


37 - 64






In August 2010, the Taipei City Department of Education officially established the Taipei Student Counseling Center, which is staffed with counseling psychologists and social worker to improve the professionalism and quality of school guidance networks. However, still in its infancy, the system is struggling in the conflict between competition and cooperation. Nevertheless, interdisciplinary professional school guidance resource collaboration is important, and this study explored issues such as the needs and expectations of school guidance systems, impact and challenges of psychologist involvement in campus, integration between school guidance systems and psychologists, and the development of interdisciplinary cooperation model. Using semi-structured interviews, data are collected from 5 guidance workers (including managers and teachers) working in Taipei junior high schools. The data were transcribed, analyzed, and coded, and grounding theory methodology was used to construct the new working model. Results showed three major themes in the narratives. The first theme centered on existing challenges confronting school guidance, namely student family communication and involvement, guidance worker teaching overload and subsequent diminishing motivation, and systematic burdens such as policy advocacy, inter-departmental cooperation, and colleague relationship with respect to guidance. The second theme involves school expectations toward psychologists, such as "guarantee," "trust" and even "halo effect" and "impressions of being indisputable" as a result of their "license" qualification. Yet the key to effectiveness is not in professional knowledge or techniques guaranteed by licenses, but rather in professional styles such as practical competence, personal traits, knowledge integration, and situational ability. The third theme concerns cooperation and partnership between schools and psychologists. Approaches to cooperation models can be divided into professional competition and specialized division of labor; and partnership can be divided into rank relationship such as unequal status and power, and equal status relations. Based on the above findings, the researchers made recommendations for future studies in school-based mental health services and guidance professionals.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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