


The Change of Parental Reading Belief, Parent-Child Reading Behavior and Children's Language Competence through the Parent-Child Shared Reading Program




簡碧瑱(Pi-Chen Chien);涂妙如(Miao-Ju Tu)


親子共讀課程 ; 閱讀信念 ; 親子共讀行為 ; parent-child reading ; reading belief ; parent-child reading behavior




14期(2012 / 12 / 01)


125 - 153




本研究旨在探討實施親子共讀課程與家長閱讀信念、共讀行為及幼兒語言能力的關聯情形。本研究以10位3 -6歲的幼兒及其家長為研究對象,共進行8次親子共讀課程,家長方面以訪談法和問卷調查法為主要資料收集方式,幼兒方面則於課程前後分別完成修訂畢保德圖畫詞彙測驗(PPVR-R)。在完成8次親子共讀課程後,獲致之主要研究結果如下:一、家長閱讀信念方面:參與家長表示在閱讀認知上,家長表示更願意提早進行親子共讀及增加共讀時間和頻率,且願意以平等互動的討論,取代由上而下的傳遞方式;而在閱讀情意上,家長更重視共讀時與幼兒情感的連結及幼兒閱讀習慣的培養。二、家長共讀行為方面:1.在閱讀行為上,有四成家長延長與幼兒共讀的時間,三成家長增加使用圖書館或書店的頻率,並且擴大選書的類型,將選書權還給幼兒。同時,家長會為幼兒解釋不理解的詞彙及提醒幼兒注意圖與文字的關聯,並會依照幼兒狀況調整解說故事內容的難易度:2.在互動類型上,家長會增加「要求評價」、「要求預測」、「要求覆誦」、「給予文字教導」和「戲劇化表達」等5種現子共讀互動類型,而減少「要求認字」和「給予注音符號教導」等2種現子共讀互動類型。三、幼兒語言能力方面:有超過半數幼兒的語言能力在聽、讀詞彙測驗的表現上有明顯進步;而家長認為現子共讀對幼兒詞彙能力及語句結構完整兩方面特別有幫助。研究進一步分析發現,幼兒語言進步因素主要是家長增加共讀時間及清楚描述故事中人事物特徵和提供幼兒表達的機會,並且為幼兒提供正確讀法與解釋。


This study aims to understand the effects of a specific parent-child reading program. The researcher conducted a discussion of changes of parental reading beliefs, parent-child reading behavior and children's language competence. This study employs the research method of questionnaire surveys and semi-structured interviews. The participants of this study were 10 parents and their preschool children.The findings of this study are as following:1. The change of parental reading belief: (1)In cognition, parents express their willingness to apply a parent-child reading program to younger children and increase the parent-child reading time and frequency. The communication will become a dual-way instead of one-way delivery. (2)In affection, parents put more focus on children's reading interests and sharing of content.2. The change of parent-child reading behavior: (1)Parents increase the parent-children reading time and increase frequency in use of the library and bookstore. (2)Parents choose different types of books, and respect children's choices. (3)Parents reduce teaching of words and bopomofo to children, but they provide correct explanations when necessary. (4)Parents encourage children to discover the relations between pictures and words. (5)Parents express the feeling of major characters in the stories to children , encouraging more discussions.3. The change of children's language competence: Parents think the parent-child reading can improve children's vocabulary and their grasp of complete sentences. From a verbal measurement tool, we found that over 50% of the children indeed improve their verbal skills in listening and reading through the parent-child reading program. Parents express the feelings of major characters in the stories to children, and provide correct explanations when necessary. They also provide opportunities for children to express themselves and explore their imagination.According to the results of this study, suggestions are provided for other researchers, parents, and administrators for kindergartens and government officials.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 教育學
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