


The Effectiveness of Interprofessional Collaboration between Elementary School Counselors and Counseling Psychologists in Taipei City




王麗斐(Li-Fei Wang);杜淑芬(Su-Fen Tu)


國小輔導 ; 諮商心理師 ; 跨專業合作 ; 駐校服務隨 ; counseling psychologist ; elementary school counseling ; interdisciplinary collaboration ; school-based mental health services




41卷S期(2009 / 10 / 01)


295 - 320






The current study was to explore the effectiveness of interprofessional collaboration between school counselors and counseling psychologists in the elementary schools. There were 9 elementary school counselors (3 males and 6 females; mean age=44.06, SD=7.69) with mean teaching experience of 21.83 years (SD=8.65) and mean school counseling experience of 7.38 years (SD=5.93). In addition, there were 9 counseling psychologists (1 male and 7 females; mean age=39.46, SD=3.08) with mean professional experience of 11.81 years (SD=3.91). All of them participated in the ”Project of Residential Counseling Psychology Services in Taipei City Elementary Schools.” Data were collected by individual in-depth interviews and analyzed by a discovery-oriented qualitative method. The findings indicated that there were five major stages involved in the collaborative process between school counselors and counseling psychologists: (a) announcement and client's recruitment, (b) client's screening and evaluation, (c) session arrangement and communication, (d) ecological counseling, and (f) following-up. In the collaborative processes, school counselors mainly worked in the mesosystem, which is the ”outside” of the counseling room. In contrast, the duties of counseling psychologists, who were mainly focused on the microsystem, is within the counseling room according to the Bronfenbrenner's ecology approach of counseling. The school counselors would communicate, coordinate, and connect the significance others of the client and the possible resources of the school to help the child, whereas the counseling psychologist would lead the counseling team and plan the treatment plan to help the child himself and the ecological systems of the child. The facilitating factors of interprofessional collaboration included (a) the partnership and altruisticm attitudes and actions of both sides, (b) counseling psychologists' professional abilities that supplemental to the school counselor's work in elementary schools, (c) school counselor's counseling traits and knowledge, administrative abilities, and in-school relationships, and (d) school counselors helping the counseling psychologists adjust to the school culture and ecology. The Detailed results suggestions for further research, training, and as well as intervention were discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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