


The Impact Factors of Mathematics Underachievers for the Elementary School in Taiwan


陳佳欣(Chen, Chia-hsin)


性別 ; 數學成就 ; 數學低成就學生 ; TIMSS 2019 ; gender ; mathematics achievement ; mathematics underachievers ; TIMSS 2019




49期(2023 / 05 / 01)


107 - 128




本研究擬透過臺灣四年級數學低成就學生參與TIMSS 2019的表現情形,分別由家庭、班級與學生三個面向探討相關因素對於數學成就的影響,以及進一步探討影響不同性別數學成就相關因素是否有所不同。本研究利用獨立樣本t檢定瞭解不同性別之數學低成就學生在家庭、班級與個人因素的表現差異情形;接著以多元迴歸分析分別檢視這些因素對於數學成就的預測情形。最後,進一步檢視這些因素對於數學成就預測力的性別差異。整體而言,數學教學清晰度、數學課堂學生守秩序程度對提升數學低成就學生的數學成就有正面助益。而提升數學教學清晰度,能明顯幫助低成就女學生提升其數學成就;提升數學課堂學生守秩序程度,能明顯幫助低成就男學生提升其數學成就。基於上述,研究者將進行相關討論與建議,期作為日後數學學習扶助與數學教育研究之參考。


The purpose of the study was to discuss the influence of mathematics related factors on mathematics achievement of students with low mathematics achievement from three aspects: family, class, and students through the performance of Taiwanese fourth-grade students participating in TIMSS 2019. Furthermore, the study discussed whether the related factors affecting their mathematics achievement were different for different genders. In this study, independent sample t-test was used to understand the gender difference in the performance of low mathematics achievement in family, class, and personal factors; Then, multiple regression analysis was used to examine the prediction of these mathematics related factors on mathematical achievement. Finally, we examined the gender differences of mathematics related factors in predicting mathematics achievement. The main results were as follows: 1. " Disorderly Behavior during Math Lessons " and " Instructional Clarity in Mathematics Lessons " had positive effects on improving the mathematical achievements of low-achieving students. 2. For female students with low mathematics achievement, only " Instructional Clarity in Mathematics Lessons " could effectively improve their math achievement. 3. For male students with low mathematics achievement, only " Disorderly Behavior during Math Lessons " could help them improve their mathematics achievements. Based on the above results, the researcher will provide relevant discussions and suggestions, with a view to serving as a reference for future research on mathematics remedial teaching and mathematics education.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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